Patreon page is on

“I used to lie down on the grass and draw the blades as they grew, until every square foot of meadow, or mossy bank, became a possession of me.” – John Ruskin.

I`m happy to announce that my Patreon page is on.
Part teaching, part sharing. Art is the love of my life, a consuming obsession, the subject of my first thought in the morning and of the last in the evening. A comfort in the hardest of moments and source of great joy and enthusiasm in the best of them. A tale of a passion I have always wanted to share, but there was never TIME. Ironically, these days, time is the pandemic`s gift to me, to us. 

On my Patreon page I will alternate:

  • articles about art and botany
  • lessons and video tutorials on drawing and painting
  • live sessions when I will talk about plants, add sketches in my Botanical Journal and answer to your questions.

With every post, digital downloads will be available and you will be part of an exclusive community of art and nature enthusiasts. 
Join me in the extraordinary delight of creating and learning classical drawing, discovering the intricate details of nature and revealing the elegance and uniqueness of plants!

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